17 June 2013

It's over!

On Friday, June 14, at 1:41 p.m., God turned my anguish into joy. Our little son was born weighing 8 lbs. 13 oz. He was just about 21 inches long. He has dark hair, a pert nose, and chicken legs. We like him very, very much.

Christ graciously enlarged His Church in the baptism of our son on Saturday morning. Now all that's left to do is sleep off the birth. Thanks terribly for your prayers, dear readers.


Rebekah said...

You will find love on Flag Day.

Katy said...

Rebekah beat me to my comment! (I only know the 14th is Flag Day because it's also my husband's birthday.) Mine's tomorrow. It's a good week to be born.

Congratulations, both for your son's birth and rebirth! We'll miss the floating baby, though...

Melrose said...

Dear friend thanks be to our gracious Heavenly Father!! I am covering you in prayers for a speedy recovery and so many wonderful moments with your sweet baby. Christ keep you and your family!

Unknown said...

Ooooh! Congratulations!!! Enjoy your sweet new baby!

Cheryl said...


Schlef Family said...


Reb. Mary said...

Just the bestest news :)

Leah said...

"It's over" - yes, that encapsulates the entire feeling after having a baby. I had "It Is Finished" for the title of my last baby's birth announcement post, but changed it at the last minute. But that's exactly how I felt!

God bless you and your new babe! How wonderful. Aren't sons just the best?! (I mean, besides daughters of course. : D)

The Mama said...


Jane said...

Congratulations! God again has added to His church.

etem said...

congratulations! take a break and read how women are treated after giving birth on Goto Island, Japan:
"The Goto mothers (who had been mending nets and cleaning fish until they delivered) stayed in the hospital for seven days. Then they were sent to their mothers' homes. There, they were expected to re­gress completely. Wrapped in a futon, each with her baby next to her, they were treated as babies themselves for one month. Their only job was to feed their babies. When they needed to go to the toilet, someone helped them. They were fed by chopsticks "like a baby." Spoken to in baby talk, they responded in baby talk. Chisato Ka­wasaki, a ­pediatrician who was with us, documented the fact that there were no postpartum depressions after this early treatment. In Japan, a new mother could regress to her own babyhood for one month."

Lucy said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

I have been praying for you since your post about your impending birth. Why does the "impending" part seem so much more ominous than it used to?? Thanking God for your fe delivery and your little man's rebirth.

Etem-I'm all for this idea...excepting the baby talk.

lisa said...

Bet he's cute!

Warmest Congratulations!!

Louise said...


Mary P said...

Another little brother in Christ. Congratulations! I rejoice about the birth of your son and rejoice with you that the "birth" part is over ;-)

Marie M said...

God richly bless you! So happy to hear the news!(And no complications from your broken foot?)

Katie said...

What a precious miracle from God! So thankful for His gift to you! I hope and pray you and Baby get spoiled rotten in the weeks ahead.

Cathy said...

So glad to hear the good news and share in your joy. Another little neighbor for you to love.