03 June 2013

Law as mirror

The real reason to dress modestly is not to smother another's lust, which is impossible, but to cover one's own pride. That's why the notion makes ladies angry.  


Melrose said...

oooooo...you nailed that one. I bought all these modest grown up looking tops a while ago which also = very non flattering, aka I don't get to look thin and cute, aka I'm a worthless sinner why on earth to I care about impressing anyone but my husband? And what on earth gives me the notion my body is anything impressive anyways? And who on earth cares about a sack of flesh and bones that's going to die anyways?! OK, rant over. :p

Leah said...

Thank you. That's a good point, because it gets harder and harder to make the other argument without the issue of somebody out there will be stumbled no matter what you wear coming up. What you mentioned is a very good reason. It actually convicted me reading it.
I still like to dress like a woman, and not look too frumpy, yet somehow know where the dividing line (hem line? ;) should be to halter my pride. (Did I just say "halter," as in, halter top? Oh dear... )

Rebekah said...

Took me a while to figure out why a few chicks get SO MAD when this topic comes up--a pitfall of not being one of the pretty ones. Truly, more is asked of them. (And since I have my own very large and secure stash of pride elsewhere, I know how much affecting humility hurts. :P )

Katy said...

I thought ladies got angry because the judgers based the sliding scale of modesty on whatever they were wearing or not wearing (no jeans, mantillas, below the knee, at the ankle, no tautness of fabric between mammaries, no make-up, no shorts etc., etc.)

But your observation is probably true, too.

The Mama said...

After having babies and nursing constantly for a decade, I've found modest clothing is the more flattering option. Or perhaps I'm delusional.

Unknown said...

I think also that fashion has lately travelled so far from modesty that modest clothing now appears elderly, and in our society, the worst thing ever is looking old.

Katy said...

"I've found modest clothing is the more flattering option"

Totally agree!

Reb. Mary said...

Ah, pride, how many faces you have. Even for those of us who don't appear to the casual eye to have much boastworthy material, physically or otherwise. Daily drowning. Sigh.

Rebekah said...

I'm also well aware that I am an old lady with six kids and what I personally need to cover is shame and not pride.

Leah said...

Speaking of shame and not pride, with this last baby I earned myself some noticeable purple spider veins on the back of one of my legs. :O

(And hey Rebekah, watch who you're calling an old lady. You're a couple years younger than I am! :P)

(*secure stash of pride...* how well said)

Cathy said...

Excellent all. Can I just copy and paste Reb Mary's comment?

read it said...

Oooooh, wheeeee is that a good one!

I am so stealing this.