11 July 2011


I have a CSPP friend who, after 10+ years of marriage, has one adopted child and one child known only to God. Weird for us to be friends, right? Nope. It's easier for me to be friends with her than it is for me to be friends with someone who has 33 kids because she "wanted a big family," or will be Done when she gets to a certain number.

I cannot relate to "wanting" having any meaningful bearing on one's life. My friend has what God gives her, and I have what he gives me, and we both deal with it as well as we can. Neither of us feel up to the tasks which have fallen to us. Both of us struggle to be content with the right thing and not want things God hasn't appointed for his people.

What we have in common is not personal effects, but divine cause. That's why we're friends. No "diaper of the day" reports necessary . . . although if the day comes for her, we will both surely rejoice.


Untamed Shrew said...

likey likey!

Lucy said...

Thank you. I, of five little people, and my friend of none are the best of friends for that exact reason also. I have never been able to articulate it as well as you though.

lisa said...

So true.

Monique said...

I really like how you think.

Melrose said...

Second paragraph, first sentence: So even though you both may have "wants" and desires you know you cannot live by those wants (by getting to 33 or stopping at 2) because it is not something for us to control... and therefore take what you get, even when the road seems to only get harder, right?

I know this post is basic CSPP thought, but for some reason my brain kept interpreting this post in another way.

Rebekah said...

Melrose, um, yeah?

Melrose said...

The confusion came from my own struggles that were on my mind as I read. I was thinking of how wanting can be meaningful when what one wants is something pleasing in their given vocation. You know, a desire that is brought to God in prayer...but struggling because a very dear friend of mine had such a desire only to have that desire taken a week before his due date. So at first I did not agree with that sentence, then I realized that it's not that the wants are displeasing or that you don't choose to be friends with a woman who has and wanted 33 kids because you yourself find each added child to be a blessing and yet difficult at the same time, but indeed because you know that want or not, we rejoice in what God gives. So yea, forgive the rambling.