26 March 2009

Rejoice with me!

God has seen fit to give us a daughter, born Monday, March 23, 3:55 p.m. She weighed 9 lbs. 8 oz., and was 21 inches long. She was baptized in the Name of God yesterday. Aside from some truant hemoglobin on my end and a few extra bilirubins on hers, we're doing really great. Baby having, highly recommended. :)

Now I'm going to go have a nap.



Dakotapam said...

Congratulations! Nuzzle her up and enjoy her!

Marie said...

How wonderful! How amazing that God uses us to bring these precious gifts into the world. Heal up quickly!=)

Untamed Shrew said...

yaaaaay! Praise God!

Rev. Rick Stuckwisch said...

Congratulations, and Christ be praised!

Anna Maschke said...

Congratulations! Blessings to the whole family! Sleep, sleep!

Rebekah said...

We're so glad there's another one of you. :) Nice work.

Steph Anne said...

Woohoo!!! Congratulations, Mommy!!!

Erich Heidenreich said...

Praise and thanks be to God!

mz said...

Congratulations! Prayers for healing and continued health for you both!!

Esther said...

Congratulations! Enjoy your newborn cuddles!

Reb. Mary said...

I can't get over being impressed with those dimensions. You're a hero :D

ζωὴν περισσὸν said...

Sounds like a keeper. ;o)

God be praised!

Consecutive Odds said...

Congratulations! God be with you!

sarahlaughed said...

Awesome. Congrats.

Ritzman said...

I am so glad for you!
Happy Snurfling!

Karen said...

Congratulations on your newest blessing!

Lauriinnc said...

Hooray and God's continued blessings be yours! Enjoy your baby-moon!