27 July 2011

Crazy is the new black

I've been surprised several times recently to hear mothers of different types and situations lament, "Why isn't anyone else feeling like this? Why am I the only one?"

"Like this" of course means "completely bleeped-out insane." And, honey, let me tell you, you are not the only chic in this phase of life to feel like your thinking is as murky as yesterday's fry oil. You're crazy, I'm crazy, and that lady over there is crazy. We're all crazy. Really. We just gussy it up a bit in public and call it, "tired."

And now the baby is screaming again, so I've got to go. Just take heart, sister. You're are so not in this alone.


Bikermom said...

There are varying levels of crazy but yes, tired sums up a lot.

Melrose said...

Gauntlets, you freakin' rock.

Here was my varying degree of crazy for this morning:

1. Drag three kids to Divine Service at 6:45 am.

2. Wrestle screaming 18 mo old who used me as a serious punching bag while using the other hand to reach up and try to twist pieces of my face off.

3. Come home, feed brood, take children to store to gather a couple extra supplies to try and do something creative with them. Have to wrestle 18 mo old in store because he doesnt want to put away his kid cart.

4. Take kids onto driveway and make peanut butter bird feeder pine cones. 5 yr old screams because he got pb on his hands. 3 yr old sobbing because he's hot...or something. 18 mo old grabs pb knife in one hand and mommy's scissors in other. Throws scissors at my head while trying to stab brother with pb knife. Mommy manages to gain control, hang the stupid feeders, and take everyone inside to wash hands and get a popsicle.

5. Whilst getting popsicles, 18 mo old dumps box of splenda all over floor, then a box of coffee filters, then a chess set, then a stack of 5 yr old's lap books, then throws 2 glasses across room and shatters them. All in period of about 30 min. I promise this child is disciplined...he just happens to be getting all 4 canine teeth and isn't so happy about it...he wants everyone to know.

6. Mom takes 3 boybarians outside, fills baby pool with bags and bags of dried beans (still have millions left over from food coop at sem from 2 yrs ago :) and the children wrestle and throw beans for the next hr. Sweep mess, give lunch, have to put 18 mo in bed with no lunch because he insists on throwing his lunch at mom's head and hitting her.

So: who wants to babysit?!?! :D

Corner121 said...

I needed this today!

My crazy? 5, 3, 18 months, and 38 weeks prego. Hubby finally went to the doctor ( when a parishioner basically told him to get in the car and took him to Urgent Care during VBS) and was diagnosed with depression. After a week of meds we can actually have a meaningful conversation, though his body still has a long way to come. Our family is 100s of miles away, and we have been in this first call for less then a year. Oh and I am absolutely TERRIBLE at asking for help.

But the Lord does provide despite me. My mom will be here in 10 days, and another sweet parishioner didn't give me a choice and has come over a couple mornings a week to help with laundry and dishes.

When asked how I do it, I just sigh and admit " Not well"

Melrose said...

OH, and I have to say, I LOVE the look on the pie lady's face :D She looks like she's planning to deck someone with it :) hehe

MooreMama said...


I'm not listing my particular current brand of crazy here, but it's deep, it's dark, and it's ravenous. Especially today. :(

Melrose said...

MooreMama :( so sorry friend. Prayers ascending for you!

greatgaunts said...

We all have our own brand of Crazy to carry in this life. Can't seem to get through without it. I've been marveling a lot lately that even those who seem to come through with a perfectly sane childhood don't quite make it to adulthood unscathed. This leads to unceasing prayers for my children.

On a lighter note: Boybarian. Nice, Melrose.

Anonymous said...

Melrose and Megan win.

-Jane Seyboldt

Melrose said...

lol, nah, I agree with greatgaunts, crazy is a season, we all have highs and lows, it's part of the fun :D Keeps things interesting and makes me laugh. Life is funny.

boybarian=glad you like it ;D

Reb. Mary said...

This open secret (that all of us chicks, no matter how composed we may at some moments manage to appear, are nevertheless frothingly mad) is also very important for men to know. (In the same category as women needing to know that all men leave their socks on the floor ;). )

Heather Best said...

My husband fortunately thinks my crazy is cute. My recent crazy involved buying pregnancy tests way to early and then taking them...way to early. Apparently at this stage in life, if there is a pregnancy test in this house, I absolutely HAVE to pee on it. Must be some sort of compulsion, thankfully, once the double lines appeared, I only took a few more and now have calmed down. I'm sure I'll be a different sort of crazy next week.

P.S. if I wasn't crazy, I'd have nothing fun to talk about!

Leah said...

Reb. Mary - Yes, but do all men leave their socks on the floor two inches from the hamper?
Not saying MY husband would ever do that, just asking, you know?

ζωὴν περισσὸν said...

Yup, I'm totally crazy. And totally ok with it. Y'all? Welcome to the club. ;o)

Katy said...

"if there is a pregnancy test in this house, I absolutely HAVE to pee on it." LOL. Been there (and probably will be there again in about 3-4 months).

My husband started leaving his socks on the table and counter! I'm a total slob and usually don't say anything about his messes, but I did bring that up...

Joy said...

'Yes, but do all men leave their socks on the floor two inches from the hamper?'. I got into a discussion with my husband regarding this and his socks that were currently two inches from the hamper. He looked at me in disbelief and asked 'You seriously don't know how that happens?' My interpretation of what he said: he's an outside shooter and doesn't know how to get his own rebound. Or he's throwing the runner out at home. Or making a touchdown pass. Maybe tossing a grenade? Could be any number of manly activities that he's practicing. Imagine my delight when I realized that by picking the socks up and putting them in the laundry basket, I scored two points.

Emommy said...

Joy: HAAAA! Awesome! :)

Melrose: Right about crazy being a season (at least I think so). I'm waiting for crazy to start again in a few months (20 weeks prego) with a 3-year-old and 15-mo-old currently. As soon as I feel I've "adjusted" to the kids, then God blesses us with another. Aaaaaaaand we get crazy again. I think it's God's way of teaching me humility.

Melrose said...

Emommy, hi! Sounds like we're in the same boat :D I'm 25 wks with a 3 yr old and 18 mo old! (and a 5 yr old) God is good.

Joy: HAAAA INDEED! BAHAHAHAHA! That is the best answer ever to that question. And I love your enthusiasm about your 2 pts. :D Now when I pick up one of my husband's socks off the kitchen floor and the other one off the living room floor, I'll just assume he was shooting floppy arrows at deer? ;D

Joy said...

Melrose, I would guess grenades..bad guys in the living room AND kitchen. And the dozen or so surrounding my bed? Booby traps. I feel safer already ;)

Melrose said...

AHHHH STOP! YOU'RE KILLING ME!!! HAHAHAHA! Our husbands, between fly tape and socks, we could write a book! :D

Untamed Shrew said...

This whole thread is spectacular. We have trouble getting things into the trash can at my house. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Aubri said...

Grrr, men and their compulsion for "making baskets"! So many of our night time routines are stalled by this. After long crazy days, when all kids are finally pajama-ed, diapered, on the couch with a book to read and on the verge of sleepy breakdowns, Daddy has to "make just one" in the basket across the living room before he's ready to END THIS DAY! My crazy meter reads off the chart.