15 February 2013

The trouble with Lent

Whether fried, pan-seared, boiled, or baked, fish still tastes like fish.

I got your back, little buddy.


Melrose said...

what, ya'll Catholic or somethin? hehehe

Reb. Mary said...

I have to admit, unless tuna salad and tuna quesadillas count, the only way fish goes down around here is heavily breaded/battered (out of a box from the freezer section, no less). It's one of my exception clauses to the prepackaged stuff.

Untamed Shrew said...

"No meat on Fridays." Riiiight. Because fish is NOT the flesh of an animal.

Tartar sauce. Lots of tartar sauce.

Rebekah said...

Jesus eats fish post-resurrection. Makes one wonder about the old nephesh chayyah in piscine context. Capybaras, though . . . .

Dawn said...

Need we wonder? Look at their EYES. Can those things even be called eyes?

The problem with tartar sauce is it tastes like tartar sauce. I'm hopeless.

Anonymous said...


greatgaunts said...

Salmon soaked in soy sauce (poison #1) and brown sugar (poison #2) and grilled (carcinogens...) was surprisingly edible. Really, Reb. Mary has the right idea. Van deKamps. Yum.