03 January 2013

Rhymes with insidious

Part of being human--male or female--is accepting that there are certain things one cannot do. No girl or woman bore the sign of the covenant, circumcision. One can only imagine what would be said about such sex-based exclusion today. The covenant!

But I wonder if what chicks are really mad about is that men accept their exclusion with utter grace. They are  never jealous or feel maliciously left out of childbearing. Some men express wonder or admiration, but never envy.


Dawn said...

Well, maybe some men are envious. (pg-13 clip)

pekoponian said...

Women's jealousy of men may be born of the fact that male authority appears very appealing on the surface. Be "in charge". Make the decisions. But I think that authority is maybe a bit like money. If she has a little bit, say over her children, she realizes that, at least at that level, authority does not get her what she wants as often as one might imagine. However, she could think to herself that if I had just the next degree of authority, I could finally have what I want.
Just a thought. I may very well be wrong.

Cathy said...

It has taken me three days but I think I got it: Hideous! Right?

Reb. Mary said...

I'm guessing she had "invidious" in mind but "hideous" seems equally appropriate ;D. Or maybe we're both off, since Rebekah's working vocab is far beyond most of ours :D

Alison Schroeder said...

...perfidious? :)

Rebekah said...

Ha. :D I was thinking invidious, but now that you mention it, what about amphibious? Carnivorous? Resilience?