10 June 2012

Teach your children well


Melrose said...

very timely :p

Anne said...

Although I must say that vomiting IN one's bed is much preferred to leaning over the side of the top bunk! Sheets are easy to change:)

Mary P said...

Do you have an audio file of this that I could play on continuous loop when the little ones are unwell. My children are too young to read yet, but still need instruction in these rules...

Melrose said...

Yes, I second Anne, my husband has a rule that if one needs to puke while in bed, they must sit up and puke straight into their comforter. This way it can be gathered up and taken away and the sheets are still clean (hopefully!) with no need to change the bedding! No floor mopping either. Vomit raining down is never preferable. eesh.

Cathy said...

Yay for hard surfaces. And outdoors.