17 January 2012

Why is it always the middle of the night when they start throwing up?

Seriously, is there some medical explanation for this? Inquiring minds want to know.


Dawn said...

The green light for puke seems to be switched on from 3-6 a.m. in our house. I'd really like to break that switch, but it keeps moving on me. :P

Haleigh said...

Fevers tend to go up at night due to fluctuations in cortisol. I wonder if other symptoms are affected by that as well?

Anonymous said...

I think it's just a reminder to wash the pillows and not just pillowcases. They wouldn't get washed otherwise.

Pr. H. R. said...

It is the nature of evil to crave the dark.


Jody S. said...

It could be worse. . .

. . . the middle of church. . .

. . . the middle of rush hour while driving in a major city. . . and there's an accident in front of you with no exit nearby. . .

But I hear you. It's always the middle of something with mine, too. And if it's not the middle of the night (in bed), it's the middle of the carpeted floor. It's just never outside in the tall grass or right in the middle of the toilet.

Not fair.

Melrose said...

Pr. H. R.: genius

Bikermom said...

I wonder these same things. I also wonder of the wisdom of bunk beds when this lovely plague crosses our threshold. Feel better soon!!!

Reb. Mary said...

Bikermom, I almost added "and why does it always start from the top bunk?" :P