15 July 2012

Hey! I can tie my shoes again!

The strife is o’er, the battle done…

Dear observant Cathy: Yes! I beat the ticker!

Dear praying Anon: Thank you, thank you, and your prayers were answered just about 11 hours after the 13th!

Praising God for another healthy, freakishly adorable, 7 lb 11 oz baby boy.

Random thought: Whenever I contemplate a newbie, I am astonished by his astonishing smallness. Until I recall where he so recently dwelt, and his method of egress. And then I am astonished by his astonishing largeness.

Above all, I am astonished that despite my many, obvious, egregious failures as a mother, God in His grace has bestowed upon me yet another child-gift, and in His mercy will continue to drown my failures in the lavish sufficiency of Christ’s blood.


Rebekah said...

The best. :)

Cathy said...

Freakishly adorable is the best kind. May you spend many wonderful moments gazing at his awesomeness. Your gratefulness is so edifying. Many blessings.

Unknown said...

Most wonderful! God's grace & peace on you both.

The Mama said...


Schlef Family said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! God's rich blessings to you both. Tying ones own shoes is one of life's simple pleasures, I think;)

Dawn said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. :)

Jane S.

Mary P said...

Congratulations! and I agree "God in His grace has bestowed upon me yet another child-gift" about sums it up. I certainly don't deserve the children God has given me.

Consecutive Odds said...

What wonderful news! I am so very happy for you and your family! May God grant him many years!

Elizabeth said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! :)

Emommy said...

Wonderful, wonderful! Praising God with you and yours!

Corner121 said...

I am always astonished by the same astonishment. Congrats, and take a wiff of that adorable baby's head for me. I think that might be what heaven smells like. I can think of no more wonderful perfume.

Jane said...

Congratulations! May God continue to bless you and your family.

Louise said...

God is gracious.

Leah said...

Yay! (That's four boys and a girl now, isn't it? or I could be totally mixed up. ;)
Your beautiful last sentence says it all for all of us. Thank you. And Bless you. :)

God's peace to you and your family and your precious new son Reb. Mary.

Dakotapam said...


Untamed Shrew said...

Soli Deo gloria! So happy for you!

lisa said...

Warmest Congratulations. Take care.