31 December 2011

Usage you can use: Fiancé(e)

Fiancé is masculine. A man who is engaged.

Fiancée is feminine. A woman who is engaged.

E. It matters.


pekoponian said...

Fun with French!

Anonymous said...

The spelling is different, yes, but from what I can remember from waaaaay back to my high school French class, the pronunciation is the same. Right?


Mrs Gregory said...

I remember the difference because fiancee is a girl and a girl has two boobs. Crass, I know. But it is how I remember. You'll all thank me later.

Rebekah said...

HA HA HA HA HA Mrs G--btw, you still with us?

I'm the wrong person to consult about French pronunciation, but I think that's right.

Mrs Gregory said...

I am. I waffle between fear and excitement every thirty minutes or so. Bring it on baby Gregory. I can't handle the tension any longer.