12 October 2010

"Be thankful for what you have, Lucille."

Good times at the second annual CSPP conference. Seven moms, 16 shockingly dirty kids (and three in absentia and three in utero who whose dirtiness cannot be spoken to), two generous babysitters (they wouldn't let me pay them so I'm mailing it to their mothers), and one very dear guest speaker whose willingness to share so much of herself with some crazy strangers was deeply appreciated. Her advice to her former self gives this post its title, so anyone whose name isn't Lucille can make the appropriate substitution and gain the benefit her years have led her to perceive in it. Who knows, maybe in a few more years there will be a third annual CSPP conference (or find a Lucille in your locale and host your own!).


Untamed Shrew said...

I didn't want to be the only sap crying, so I choked back the tears several times. Her stories of surprise twins, wringing out laundry by hand, Scarlet fever, and months without her husband will always stay with me.

Kristi said...

awwww I would have loved to hear this!!! You should have "minutes" from the meeting! :)