28 May 2009


I know it's all the rage to distill your own First Article fuel, murder your own cruelty-free meat, mill your own non-synthetic flour, grow your own organic cotton and spin it into thread and weave it into fabric and sew it into drab, itchy, non-carcinogenic clothing (especially diapers). But friends, if you are overwhelmed in life, and even if you're not quite, it's ok to buy something ready-made every once in a while. Or regularly.

Your husband wants you happy and not exhausted when he gets home more than he wants tortillas infused with your skin cells every Taco Night.

Looks like it's going to be a great xylitol harvest! We'll have all the toothpaste we want this winter, kids! Get the mortars and pestles!


Pr. H. R. said...

But it's not OK to write ok.


Glenda said...

Hear! Hear!

Continue to shout it from the rooftops!

Woo Hoo!

Well Said!

I always say that I'm to keep him happy in the kitchen and the bedroom, and well, if I'm tired from the kitchen......

Rebekah said...

Rev HR, I'm sure I don't know what you mean.

Glenda, :D

Corner121 said...

Ah, but sometimes it's easier just to make it then wrestle the kids into their car seats, drive to the store, get kids out, into cart, find item without loosing child not in cart, buy item while children infatuate (can't take them anywhere without hearing how beautiful they are) everyone around them, get back to car, unload items, put cart in coral, wrestle said children back into car seats, drive home.... well at least for this extreme introvert.

That being said, thank you for the reminder. It is also OK to not re purpose everything. Sure you could make something really cute from that dress.... but do you really want to move it at least two more times before your husband, God willing, is ordained. Because it is so far down the list of projects that it will take that long before you find it again.

lisa said...

hahah - Megan, you've seen my junk room?

Rebekah said...

Megan, it's all about what's already in the freezer, isn't it? Sometimes I'd like to have some choice other than the 75 pounds of wheat and the 75 pounds of meat.

Corner121 said...

Ah to have a freezer that big! I don't know who's idea it was to tell Nuffer that the four of us could get by in a two bedroom 800 square foot condo for a year.

Lauriinnc said...

I concur with all of you! LOL What I think is best and what I can actually DO do not often match or even come close!