25 November 2008

A question for you to ponder as you work to keep the children quiet so every other adult in the house can nap unmolested on Thanksgiving afternoon

Within how many generations will all the Concordian Families of Perpetual Parturition be hopelessly inbred and genetically moribund?


Dawn said...


Hope springs eternal.

Untamed Shrew said...

We're all inbreds from Noah. It'd be interesting to trace back the geneaology and see where our family trees merge.

MooreMama said...

hmmmm... I'm not going to hazard a guess on the inbreeding bit. Too many variables, and I don't know the ages and ratios of matchupable girls and boys, let alone the geographic proximity thereof.

But what's up with keeping the kids quiet so that the adults can nap?!? I'm planning to use that time to vacuum. That's what They told me to do when my baby naps. It's supposed to help her sleep better. ;)

Karin said...

My dh the engineer did some math on this topic and figures we could easily form a new synod or take the synod in hand (or was it taking over the country) in some ammount of years that I can't remember. He brings this up a lot. Who knew.

Sir Cuthbert said...

I don't think you have to worry about inbreeding too much. There are more young folks with PP ideas than you might think. I know several, not counting myself or my brothers, and I don't know very many people. And that's just the Lutheran ones. Many young people seem to be rejecting the 2.3 children convention, especially among home-schooling types.

ζωὴν περισσὸν said...

We aren't planning the type of dinner that makes us all NEED a nap this afternoon, which is partly why I am able to look at this on a morning when many are slaving away at a big turkey and the fixin's.

Maybe I'll blog about it, after I see first how successful the "new" approach is.

As to inbreeding, of whatever you call it, I would agree with Sir Cuthbert there. My dh and I have had this conversation, where he wonders if there will be like-minded young people for our own children to marry, and I assure him there are plenty more families like ours out there...

we are just all too busy raising our own to connect with one another, and we tend to live more private lives, blending in to the background rather than be very noticeable-- other than when we go out in public that is, which I think we do less often than smaller families. :)

Reb. Mary said...

Hmmmm...Methinks it's a problem. The genepool as well as the nap :P

ζωὴν περισσὸν said...

Meh, Reb. Mary, you'll see, they're out there.

(I've been told "meh" is now an accepted word in some dictionary somewhere... just had to try it out. As I expected, totally stupid. Kind of like "duh.")

ζωὴν περισσὸν said...

Ack! I am so out of the loop.

I was just looking back to see what things were like when this blog started, and happened upon a comment in which "meh" was used.

Okay, I am NOT old. Out of it, but NOT old.