27 February 2009

A boogie fling moment*

In which I am tempted to throw away everything AND I MEAN EVERYTHING in the house right now AND I MEAN RIGHT NOW because it's making me totally crazy AND I MEAN TOTALLY CRAZY .

*"Boogie fling," obviously, being a term stolen from Flylady. 'Sokay; she's got good cheer enough and to spare.


Lauriinnc said...

I know that feeling. I share that feeling.I wish other family members shared that feeling too. Oh well, heaven will be neat and tidy and beautifully coordinated filled with content, cooperative people...singing hopefully.

Hmm, I do have a three year old boy, however, who is obsessed with vacuuming...does anyone want to arrange a marriage? He has a lovely disposition to boot...

Reb. Mary said...

Lauri, vacuums are an obsession around here too (though it seems that things aren't the cleaner for it). I think our boys would get along well :)

Rebekah said...

They all hate it when I go on one of these rampages.

ζωὴν περισσὸν said...

That's what we're in the middle of doing right now. never knew how big the parsonage really is... and we've only just begun. :)


Katy said...

I love this post <3